This weekend is the 3rd annual Hudson Music Festival. If you’ve never been to Hudson you’ve been missing out and there’s no better excuse than a free, three day, music festival with over 400 musicians involved.
Get your Oobleck fix Saturday at 4pm on the 200 Block Stage. (215 Warren St., Hudson NY, 12534) After last May’s show at Club Helsinki we’re pumped to rock Hudson again. Speaking of rocking, does anyone remember that little waltz we played at The Ruck last Wednesday. A waltz… we’re so dignified.
For the early birds out there you can catch the Hudson Band Camp run by your’s truly, Scott Vorwald. Hosted by Club Helsinki and sponsored by the music festival and Operation Unite the band camp offers children in Hudson a free summer jazz band program. This year the students also received African drumming lessons from the Kuumba African Drumming and Dance Company. You can catch members of Oobleck joining them for a 2nd line in the Black Arts & Culture Festival parade at 1:45 then we’ll be playing around 2:30pm at the Waterfront Park. Come cheer on the young musicians of Hudson!